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Revision Plan for My Workview-Lifeview Essay

Samin Jahan

Professor Jamison

FIQWS 10108

22 October 2018

Revision Plan for my Compass

  1. My essay switches often between first and third person narration. Making most of my essay to first person would clarify whether the views of work and life are mine or just a definition.
  2. In my work view I said, “Without success, it means you’re not having fun and progressing”. I would like to clarify the vice versa, where sometimes work can be successful and not fun. However, you can’t be having fun without having success.
  3. Part of my work view was “Money shouldn’t be the main drive for work (unless it’s extremely high)”. I would like to say how the pay constitutes quality and satisfaction of work. How can I impose the limitations of this statement?
  4. When one reads my essay, they would see this as my thesis for the work view, “the meaning behind work is to do something daily or almost daily, regardless of whether the person enjoys it or not, to make money.” However, this isn’t my work view, this is the general definition of a job/career.
  5. Revise my thesis: I need to combine my thesis into one. Since I separated my essay into a work view and life view section, I created a thesis for each. But failed to create a combination of both.


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