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Research Critical Analysis Reflection

Samin Jahan

FIQWS 10108

3 December 2018

Professor Jamison

Reflecting Upon my Research Critical Analysis of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

            The research critical analysis paper was similar to the exploratory essay, except that it was a further iteration of the research and work I had done. This essay was more of an analysis on a job to see if we like it. Also, interviewing a job holder of a career you might want. These are two things the exploratory essay. Everything else was just more research of the things that had already been done. I met these requirements by doing new odyssey plans, the transferable skills work sheet, prototype interviewing a job holder, and doing prototype experiences. I believe I have a lot to revise on this essay but displays many of the goals I needed to accomplish.

The three rhetorical situations that dictate my essay were genre, stance, and media/design. Media/design was part of the appendix in my RCA paper. It helped the reader understand the activity I had done and defend the claims I had made. In this paper the stance is be as neutral as possible. This is because a lesson of design thinking is to be open minded to new ideas. This provides opportunities for more solutions to a problem and make decisions. I tried to impose logical steps to researching. After my research I analyzed them and made neutral inferences about them. Which means factual and logical inferences that were backed up by research.

Genre had the biggest impact on my essay because it called for a specific writing style. My writing style was more narrative in contrast to persuasive. So that’s my word choice, sentence composition, and inferences had to be non-persuasive. I was simply just trying to research, analyze results, and make logical inferences about them.

One course learning outcome I performed was engaging in a collaborative and social aspect of the writing process. I spoke to my peers in the same class and we proof-read each other’s paper. We also tried to find any parts that could use a little revision or were unclear. I also practiced one key critical rhetorical situation which was stance. I tried to be neutral in my writing and be more informative instead of taking a side. Another important course learning outcome I did was a lot of online researching on my topics which had a great impact on my paper. Using the internet, I found many internships that were related to my majors. I used the internet to find credible sources and tried to eliminate bias on common facts when comparing both majors.



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